Downend Women's Institute
Christ Church Parish Hall, 
57 North Street, Downend, Bristol, South Gloucestershire.  BS16 5SG
Meet last Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.
Guests are welcome to join us for a small charge of £5.00, which includes tea or coffee.

Our Remembrance Topper was outed on 31st October in Downend High Street.
It represents a granite gravestone with three helmets, RAF, R.N. and Army.
The design was by Vanessa Martin, and involved were Carol Davies, Cathy Paramore and Suzzie Belcher, plus red poppies were made by all our members.
Fundraising for this Remembrance month if for Suicide Prevention. 
Tel: 0800 689 5652

We had a Speaker from our newly chosen preferred charity.
Suicide Prevention UK aim to prevent suicide and promote mental wellbeing for all those struggling with thoughts of suicide, and/or struggling with their mental health.
They actively support those in need,throughout the UK. Providing a non-judgemental listening service, face to face and across their phonelines.
Tel: 0800 689 5652

About Us

Our President is Linda Russ
Contact Linda email fao Linda.

We are based in the heart of Downend, which is a suburb of Bristol. Downend comes in the County of South Gloucestershire, and are part of the Avon Federation WI.

Downend WI has a vibrant energetic feel about it, with members from all age groups, and all walks of life, we mix really well.
We are always happy to welcome new members, and also members from other groups.

Downend WI also has various Sub Groups.

The Evening Book Club meets every month, please contact the group leader Linda.
Meet every third Tuesday evening.
Meeting will be on Tuesday 19th November.

The Daytime Book Club meets every month, please contact the group leader Linda.
Meet Wednesday 6th November. 14:30.

The Letterbox Topper Group please contact the group leader Suzzie.
The next topper is in progress, the Remembrance Day 2024.
To be Outed Thursday 31st October.

We are interested in many topics and enjoy our program of talks and activities, so do come and try us out.
It would be great if members could setup some more groups. There are a vast number of groups to choose from. Eg: Fish n Chip Lunch Club, Monthly Brunch Club, Cinema/Theatre Group,  & all sorts of Craft Groups (Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, Cross Stitch, Painting etc)

Downend WI started in January 2014 when ladies lined up in the cold to join. The queue was so long that some had to be turned away!

"Community, Culture, Charity, Craft & Cake", to find out more, please come to our meeting as a guest, we'll be happy to meet you.
We meet on the last Tuesday of each month, in the Christ Church Parish Hall on North Street, Downend, Bristol at 7:30pm.

The Mission Statement of the National Federation of Women's Institutes.
Our mission

Let us tell you what we stand for and what is at the heart of everything we do.
The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.

The WI is here to inspire you.
We inspire women through experiences, knowledge and skills. These are passed down through generations and continually updated to reflect the lives of women today.
The WI is everything you want it to be
Whatever your reason for joining, we offer all kinds of opportunities to all kinds of women.
For some, it’s a chance to meet people and catch up with friends. For others, it’s a way to learn valuable life skills and make a difference in their communities through WI campaigns.
The WI is what you make of it
WI members come in all shapes and sizes and our members can be involved in the way that suits them.
This can mean joining a local WI or setting up a new group with other like-minded women.

Upcoming Meeting

November 26th Jodie showing a Christmas Craft
at Christchurch Hall

January 28th 11th Birthday & Funky Farmer
at Christchurch Hall

February 25th Carol Davies. Theatre Make-Up
at Christchurch Hall

About Us image